News – Son of Hamas

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 August, 2010 1 min read

Son of Hamas

A young Christian man is facing the death sentence if the US deports him back to the Middle East, according to reports from California‘s Assist News Service (ANS).

Mosab Hassan Yousef has been facing a deportation hearing by the US Department of Homeland Security, because he was a spy for the Israeli secret service for nearly ten years.

Moreover, his father was a founding member of Hamas – making Yousef a ‘valuable agent’ to the Israeli Shin Bet.

But when Yousef applied to the US for political asylum, the Homeland Security turned him down and is now trying to deport him.

According to the ANS report, this move would be a death threat, not only because Yousef was a spy for the other side, but also because he has been converted from Islam to Christianity. He was rejected asylum because, while he was working undercover, he met some men on the US’s terrorist list.

Despite his track record of being a secret agent for the Israelis, the US has decided that he has links with Islamic terrorists and is therefore a threat to the US.

The story of his life, Son of Hamas, has been published by Tyndale House and is written by Ron Brackin, a former ANS reporter ( The book is reviewed in June’s ET.

ET staff writer
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