News – Passion for Life

Chris Pugh
01 June, 2010 1 min read

Passion for life

As part of the nationwide ‘A passion for life’ mission, Spicer Street Church in St Albans ran a series of evangelistic events over Easter. The church held a meal, with a gospel message focusing on the question ‘Is Christianity good for the world?’ There were also guest services. The Good Friday one examined who Jesus is, what it means to follow him, what he came to do, and why.

Talks during the week included discussions on assisted dying and the ‘arrogance of Christianity’. Both were given by Dr Peter Saunders.

Dr Saunders is a former general surgeon, director of the pro-life organisation Care not Killing, and chief executive of the Christian Medical Fellowship. In the ‘arrogance’ talk, he explored why Christianity claims it is the only way.

He looked at other religions and how their followers try to gain salvation through the things they do and the way they live. Christianity, he said, is the only faith in which everything is down to God’s grace, since we are lost and incapable of saving ourselves.

There was a golf morning at a local range, with a PGA professional giving free coaching and a short, evangelistic talk afterwards. All the events were followed by a Q&A session, and free copies of Luke’s Gospel were available. These events attracted good numbers of people, including many non-believers who had the chance to ask many questions.

Our prayers are that they will lead to souls being saved. Spicer Street is following up with a Christianity Explored course. (More information: or

Chris Pugh

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