News – Big Brother

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 February, 2010 1 min read

Big Brother

Young people across the UK have been debating faith in the most unlikely of places – a comments forum set up for Celebrity Big Brother (

The controversial Channel 4 programme, which has been garnering around six million viewers, has sparked a debate about Christianity, the truth of the gospel and reality of hell, as Hollywood actor, former alcoholic and now born-again Christian Stephen Baldwin, brother of Alec Baldwin, shared his faith on live TV.

While many of the young people have said they don’t like his ‘preachin’ to housemates, and that: ‘I rly (sic) like him but I find all the Bible stuff a bit borin’, many have defended his right to talk to fellow housemates about his faith.

One teenager said: ‘I am not sure about the existence of God but I find it disgusting that ppl are sayin Stephen isn’t entertaining enough! Big Brother is a REALITY show, its not some film he is acting in! Perhaps God played a huge role in his addiction recovery. Respect’.

Another wrote: ‘Hate all the disrespect for Stephen. He’s a good guy, he’s just religious, that’s all. Give him a break.’

Many Christian young people have waded into the debate. One young woman wrote: ‘I used to be the exact same about “bible bashers” and religion, until God gave me the revelation of his love, now I can totally see where Stephen is coming from. Don’t knock it until you’ve really tried it’.

Another posted: ‘Stephen is my favourite housemate … so funny, he cracks me up sooooo much. I hope he sticks with Christ and shines the light in that house of darkness’.

Pray that many of these young people will have serious questions about Christianity and God will use this unusual means to bring them to himself.

ET staff writer
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