News – Retirement of Brian Freer

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 October, 2007 1 min read

Retirement of Brian FreerOn Sunday 5 August, Westgate Chapel in Bury St Edmunds held a day of worship and thanksgiving to mark the retirement from the full-time pastorate of Brian Freer.The formidable Doctor Kevan, his principal at London Bible College, delivered the charge to the young pastor on his ordination at Letchworth Baptist Church in 1964. Since then, in a ministry spanning 43 years, Pastor Freer served at Harrold in Bedfordshire and Wigmore Evangelical Church in Kent, before moving to Stapleford Baptist Church in Nottinghamshire, where he was to remain for 15 years. Supported throughout these years by his wife Sylvia, her death towards the end of his time at Stapleford came as a heavy blow; and the move to Westgate Chapel in 1994 took place in a period of testing and sorrow. The 13 years in Bury St Edmunds have been years in which grace has been evident, not least in the Lord’s provision of and the consequent support of Kathy. Brian Freer’s ministry has been consistently blessed by God, giving evidence of a freshness and vitality under the Holy Spirit. Many have testified to its importance in their Christian lives, whilst others own his influence in their conversions. Choosing his 70th birthday as a suitable point to withdraw from the commitments of the pastorate, Brian plans to remain in Suffolk where he began preaching as a National Serviceman in the 1950s. By God’s mercy he will go on proclaiming the truth where there is an invitation to help the work of churches and overseas mission.

ET staff writer
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