Albanian mission anniversary

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 June, 2006 1 min read

Albanian mission anniversary

The Albanian Evangelical Mission (AEM) marked the 20th anniversary of its founding with special meetings in Oxford on Saturday 1 April at the Reformed Baptist Church in Albert Street. People gathered from various parts of England and Wales.

The first session was addressed by AEM director David Young ― on the theme of ‘Looking back’. He described four phases of the work: the years of preparation in prayer for Albania, 1976-1986; the first period ofgrowth in the mission’s work in Albania, 1986-1997; the years of sifting,1997-2001 (in Albania civil unrest; in Kosova war; in Britain an attempt to get the mission closed down); and the present phase of renewed growth ― in income, prayer groups and workers supported.

After a break for lunch Shaun Thompson addressed the meeting on the theme of ‘Looking round’. Shaun coordinates the missionary team in Gjirokastra (Albania).

He described and assessed the current situation, needs, opportunities and progress in work among Albanians in Albania, Kosova, Montenegro, Greece, Macedonia and Britain. He spoke of evangelism, church planting, the training of Albanians and provision of Christian literature. He also considered works of mercy, and (in Britain) raising awareness of the work.

After a further short break, AEM ‘church relations officer’ Trevor Baker preached on the theme of ‘Looking forward’, from the words ‘Thy Kingdom come’. He emphasised the certainty of the coming of God’s kingdom, and the seemingly paradoxical call to Christians to pray earnestly for it to come.

Each session included a time for prayer. It was a good day and (if the Lord will) we intend to continue this ministry of bringing the gospel to Albanian people, for which sole purpose we are still the only society in Britain.

ET staff writer
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