04 (April 2016)

Crown of Thorns

Crown of Thorns
Trevor Baker Trevor works with the Albanian Evangelical Mission.
31 March, 2016 1 min read

Upon first seeing this book, readers may wonder what issue is being addressed. But Tim Chester explains the problem and answers it well. The question concerns the gospel. Is the gospel about the coming of the kingdom of God and its implications for social justice in this world? Or does it centre on the cross, dealing only with personal salvation and the need for forgiveness?

The author argues that the gospel includes both. He shows from history that the church has occasionally leaned too much to one side or the other.

There are four main chapters: ‘The king who restores: the kingdom comes as promised’; ‘The king who comes: the kingdom comes in secret’; ‘The king who dies: the kingdom comes in grace’; and ‘The king who speaks: the kingdom comes through the Word’.

Chester employs clear exegesis of biblical passages to help build his case, particularly from Mark’s Gospel. He writes in a lively style and has produced a helpful little book. It will be particularly useful for young believers and those just beginning as preachers. Its brevity will enhance its appeal. I have pleasure in commending it.

Trevor A. Baker


Trevor works with the Albanian Evangelical Mission.
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