Maximum Impact: Living and Loving for God’s Glory

Maximum Impact: Living and Loving for God’s Glory
Maximum Impact
Paul Williams Paul studied for three years at the Evangelical Theological College of Wales ( ETCW Bryntirion). During his third year, Paul received a call to the Pastorate of Newtown Evangelical Church in Mid-Wale
01 August, 2011 1 min read

Subtitled ‘Living and loving for God’s glory’, this book is a clear, accessible exposition of 1 Corinthians chapter 13.

Wayne Mack is best known in the UK for his valuable contribution to the work on biblical counselling. Inevitably then, this kind of approach permeates through this particular volume. Consequently, it is packed with searching application to the believer’s life.

The average person (Christian and non-Christian alike) may simply think fondly of 1 Corinthians 13 as ‘the love chapter’ in the Bible (you may recall Tony Blair reading it at Lady Diana’s funeral). But actually it is a devastating exposure of our hearts and of our lack of love. It was a sharp critique of the church at Corinth.

As such, Maximum Impact cannot be described as a comfortable read, and I am sure this is not the author’s intention. Rather, his prime concern is that we should live fruitful Christian lives, supremely concerned for the glory of God.

After introducing us to the context and opening three verses of 1 Corinthians 13, the author then carefully guides us through the details of verses 4 to 8. Phrase by phrase, we see what Christian love looks like.

He draws in comments from other writers like Gerry Bridges, and frequently from Jonathan Edwards, and each chapter ends with at least a page of questions for review, reflection, application and discussion.

If you want to be challenged to ‘work out your salvation with fear and trembling’, and seek to bear the visible (and evangelical) fruit of love, I would warmly encourage you to buy, read and pray through this book. It won’t be comfortable. But you won’t regret it.

Paul studied for three years at the Evangelical Theological College of Wales ( ETCW Bryntirion). During his third year, Paul received a call to the Pastorate of Newtown Evangelical Church in Mid-Wale
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