A Good Old Age

A Good Old Age
Joseph Hewitt Joe Hewitt is a retired pastor, living in Holland-on-Sea.
16 March, 2018 1 min read

As I am approaching my 90s, this excellent book came into my hands at an apposite time. I also live near seaside beach huts and, as these are pictured on the book cover, found that fond memories were stirred.

I feel privileged to have read this book. Time and again in its 28 chapters, biblical wisdom is applied and challenges are issued, as Prime honestly testifies to both the problems and blessings of growing old.

I admire not only its contents, but the clear printing which was done in Denmark. This will be of help to readers with poor eyesight, including Christians in care homes or hospitals.

Good advice is given in ‘A suggestion to the reader’ as well as the Introduction. Prime then proceeds to give us a chapter a day for the next 26 days. These provide vital lessons to learn, in the light of the deteriorating abilities following ageing.

Reading these brief chapters can stimulate many godly desires. Our elderly years can be occasions of using our tongues to profit many, such as giving ‘a word in season’, keeping ‘a smile on our faces’ and offering ‘a commendation rather than a criticism’. It is small wonder why the author utilises many quotations from Proverbs!

I urge all my elderly brothers and sisters to request from family members or from Christian colleagues a copy of this book — and to have it read to them if necessary.

Thank God for our National Health Service, enabling us to live longer today; and thank Derek Prime for his concern for our soul and body, so that with good use we can all enter heaven with a ‘well done, good and faithful servant’.

Joseph Hewitt


Joe Hewitt is a retired pastor, living in Holland-on-Sea.
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