growing up… growing wise @ home

growing up… growing wise @ home
growing up… growing wise @ home
Elinor Magowan Elinor Magowan is a women’s pastoral worker at UFM Worldwide
01 October, 2008 1 min read

This booklet and accompanying digital presentation is produced by Lovewise, a Christian organisation working with schools and youth groups to encourage young people to make good relationship choices.

The material is designed for parents to use with their children to present and discuss puberty, relationships, sex and reproduction. Most schools teach these subjects during Years 5 and 6 (age 10 and 11) but many schools are including some aspects in their curriculum much lower down the school.

If you are considering withdrawing your child from the ‘sex and relationships education’ offered by your child’s school, this material is a very helpful alternative that you can use at home. Some material used in schools is not God-honouring, and it is good to have such well-produced and carefully thought-through alternative material.

There are four sections – Introducing puberty; Puberty and girls; Puberty and boys; and, Love and marriage. Each section is presented with colourful pictures and appropriate diagrams. Subjects are addressed sensitively, and the child is encouraged to see that God’s design is best. It is emphasised that God’s design is for sex within marriage, between one man and one woman in a lifelong relationship.

There is no illustration of sexual intercourse, so the parent can decide how much to explain to their child. Parents are encouraged to read the script prior to watching the presentation with their child. Because the material is presented on the computer screen it is very easy to interact with and naturally leads to discussion of the issues raised.

The PowerPoint presentation is clear and helpful, and provides a solid biblical basis for your children to understand themselves and their relationships as God intended. It will prompt questions and discussion and help you, as a parent, to fulfil your God-given responsibility, and your privilege, to instruct your child in God’s truth.

Elinor Magowan is a women’s pastoral worker at UFM Worldwide
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