01 (January 2016)

Staying pure online

Staying pure online
Roy Summers Roy serves as Elder and full-time pastor at Manor Park Church, Worcester.
16 January, 2016 1 min read

Many Christian parents need to wake up to the scale and horror of online pornography. Church leaders who care about the purity of their congregations need both to be alert to the temptations of the 21st century and how to equip their people to avoid sexual sin. Staying pure online is a book which will help leaders and parents do just that.

In essence the book elaborates an accompanying PowerPoint presentation. It starts with a definition of pornography and the relevant statistics, then proceeds to explain why pornography is so dangerous: it damages our walk with God and relationship with others; it destroys marriages, harms ourselves and damages others. As well as these dangers, the Scriptures’ positive teaching about sex is presented.

This book could be used for a parents-only teaching evening, leaders’ meeting or home-group setting; or it could be placed in the church library for parents.

A weakness is that perhaps more could be said about the accountability software that makes every user in a household radically accountable to another. In our day, when porn is only a click away and when even ‘tame’ news websites contain dubious content, it is surely wise for everyone to have an accountability partner, who is free to examine every website you’ve visited at any time.

I plan to use the material in our fellowship and highly recommend it. In view of the plague of pornography that infests the world today, and in view of the beauty of holiness, this aid that addresses sexual purity so biblically, clearly and helpfully is thoroughly recommended.

Roy Summers


Roy serves as Elder and full-time pastor at Manor Park Church, Worcester.
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