The Happiness of Heaven

The Happiness of Heaven
The happiness of heaven
Noel Ramsey Noel Ramsey was born in Belfast in 1960 and lived there for several years until his family moved to Newtownabbey. After school he worked for ten years as a Coachbuilder. After a football accident he w
01 February, 2011 1 min read

What happens to children who die in infancy? Will we recognise one another in heaven? Do people in heaven know what is happening on earth? These are some of the questions this book seeks to answer.

The book’s main thrust is to survey the relevant Scriptures in order to tell us what heaven is like and encourage us to find our happiness in God, through Christ. Maurice Roberts discusses the biblical data clearly and relevantly and makes helpful application along the way.

He starts by telling us why it is necessary to believe in heaven and hell, before moving into detailed chapters concerning heaven itself. Not every reader will find the author’s answers to the questions raised satisfactory. However, one thing is sure – this will make you think and will drive you back to the Scriptures to search for answers.

The chapter on heaven and Christ is excellent and we are reminded that ‘the true Christian does not long for heaven for its own sake, but longs for heaven for the sake of having Christ’.

In days when there are not many good books on this subject, this is one that will be useful for all types of people. It will help the pastor think through some of the issues and may even give him ideas for a sermon series.

For the average person in the pew, this will help him or her comprehend the biblical data on this subject. Therefore, I recommend this to everyone who wants to meditate upon the glorious heavenly home that awaits all who are in Christ.

Noel Ramsey was born in Belfast in 1960 and lived there for several years until his family moved to Newtownabbey. After school he worked for ten years as a Coachbuilder. After a football accident he w
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