10 (October 2016)

What the Bible teaches about The Trinity

What the Bible teaches about The Trinity
Paul Brunning Director of Communications for Grace Baptist Mission.
30 September, 2016 2 min read

The Trinity is not a niche subject only for keen Christians; we all need to know what the Bible teaches about the Trinity, because we all need to know God. As Stuart Olyott explains in this helpful little book, ‘A belief in the Trinity is essential to salvation’ (p.87) because the one God in three persons — Father, Son and Holy Spirit — is the God of salvation revealed in Scripture.

The book is clear and accessible, providing a primer on this vital subject. It would be suitable for Christians young in the faith or daunted by this mind-stretching topic. It would help anyone confused or unsettled by Jehovah’s Witness teaching. It will also provide a refreshing read for any Christian who simply wants to know their God better.

This is a slightly updated edition of Olyott’s 1979 book The Three are One. It has been freshly typeset and attractively laid out, including additional subheadings in the text and a useful Scripture index. Scripture quotations are taken from the NKJV.

Olyott begins by reminding us that we are seeking to learn about the very nature of God, who is unlike us in all his perfections, greatness and incomprehensibility: ‘Only God understands God’ (p.15). This is not off-putting, but helps us approach the subject with due humility.

Five chapters lead us step-by-step through some key biblical teaching. Our understanding of the Trinity is built up point by point: God is one; the Father is God; the Lord Jesus Christ is God; the Holy Spirit is God; the three persons are distinct. We are shown that for all its mystery, the Trinity is a doctrine clearly revealed in the Bible.

Two chapters look at the deeper topics of the eternal generation of the Son and eternal procession of the Spirit. While the chapter titles may sound intimidating, the material is carefully written. We are shown, for example, what it means for the Son to be the Father’s Son and yet equally and eternally God.

Other chapters guide us through a number of common errors regarding the Trinity that are either misunderstandings or denials of the truth. The final chapter suggests some practical applications that should help us love, worship and enjoy this glorious God. Warmly recommended!

Paul Brunning


Director of Communications for Grace Baptist Mission.
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