News – Church of Scotland turmoil

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 September, 2009 2 min read

Church of Scotland turmoil

The Christian Institute reports that 35 Church of Scotland parishes have united in a campaign of non cooperation with the Kirk’s recent decision on the ordination of homosexual ministers.

In May the Kirk’s general assembly voted to uphold the appointment of an openly gay man, Rev. Scott Rennie, to a congregation in Aberdeen. The assembly also banned further appointments of gay clergy and all public discussion of the issue until a special commission publishes a report in 2011.

Now the 35 rebel parishes have publicly said they will not accept the ordination of practising homosexuals under any circumstances. The congregations have signed a covenant compiled by an evangelical group, the Fellowship of Confessing Churches, and plan to display it in prominent places in their church buildings.

According to the covenant, signatories ‘recognise God’s creation of humankind as male and female and the unchangeable standard of Christian marriage between one man and one woman as the proper place for sexual intimacy and the basis of the family’.

It continues: ‘We acknowledge the great harm that has come from our failures to maintain this standard, and we repent and call for a renewed commitment to lifelong fidelity in marriage and abstinence for those who are not married’.

Public stand

Rev. William Philip, of St George’s Tron in Glasgow, said: ‘I’m very glad that the Fellowship gives our congregation an opportunity to publicly make a stand for the orthodox Christian gospel, so that anyone who comes to our church knows this is what we believe in’.

Mr Rennie, a divorced father-of-one who lives with his male partner, was appointed as minister of Queen’s Cross Church in November, sparking deep controversy within the Church of Scotland. A petition opposing his appointment attracted 12,000 signatures.

Presbyterians Weekly reports that Free Church of Scotland minister Rev. David Robertson recently said that the Church of Scotland is ‘finished as a place for people who hold a more biblical view’, and urged them to join the Free Church of Scotland.

Robertson said that the Free Church of Scotland could ‘provide a home’ for Church of Scotland members unhappy with the appointment of Rev. Rennie and with the Church of Scotland’s same-sex marriage stance.

Mr Robertson continued: ‘Instead of joining independent churches or fighting on for years and years and being a small minority within the [Church of Scotland], people should unite with other people who share the same point of view’.

ET staff writer
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