News – New Tribes Mission

Graham Castle Graham has retired from working with the New Tribes Mission and lives in the United Kingdom.
01 October, 2008 1 min read

New Tribes Mission

In the Manjui tribe of Paraguay one of the believers is learning the meaning of sacrifice.

A Manjui Christian lady came to NTM missionaries Jamie and Char Hunt and told them her story.

‘There is something I want to tell you. I finally found my goat. My aunt stole it. Everyone knows it is not hers, yet she herds it to her pen every evening. I almost went to ask her about it but God’s Spirit stopped me.

‘I could go to her, but she will be shamed and angered. She will then stop going to the meetings to hear God’s words. She will also stop coming to the literacy classes to learn to read. We Manjuis are like that.

‘Her learning is more important to me than my goat. It really hurts that she would covet and take what is not hers. However, my goat is now her goat’.

This Manjui believer knows that her aunt’s need of Christ is more important than who has the goat. It’s not easy when someone takes your property. Sometimes it’s easy to want to demand your rights. But by being willing to give up her rights, she’s giving her aunt the chance to receive something much more precious than a goat.

Tears of joy were abundant as the first box of Bibles in the Naso language was opened at a dedication ceremony in Panama.

God provided a beautiful, sunny day for the occasion. The nice weather made the trip much easier for many Nasos coming by trail or by boat. Fifteen boatloads of people and boxes of Bibles arrived by the river route.

All of the visitors were officially welcomed during a two-hour ceremony that included the singing of Naso songs and the recognition of all who have been involved in the ministry through the years.

Graham Castle

Graham has retired from working with the New Tribes Mission and lives in the United Kingdom.
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