Pilgrim Tabernacle

Ann Winch Ann lives in Cambridgeshire.
01 January, 2012 1 min read

Pilgrim Tabernacle

The Pilgrim Tabernacle’s 24th church and pastor’s anniversary service was held on Saturday 10 September in Wood Green, North London.
It was attended by more than 70 people from many ethnic backgrounds. The preacher, Rev. Maurice Roberts from Inverness, expressed his emotion at seeing so many believers representing many languages and cultures — a foretaste of heaven.
He movingly expounded the Messianic Psalm 45, pointing out man’s four states: his innocence (Adam and Eve), sinfulness (Fall), state of grace (only in Christ) and glory (after death).
The most glorious and perfect person of Christ was revealed to us graphically. He was the perfect God-Man and second person of the Trinity. His atonement is of such infinite value that even the vilest sinner who truly repents and turns to Christ finds forgiveness and acceptance.
In verses 3-5, the sword Christ wields is the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. The quiver full of arrows is aimed by the Spirit at the sinner’s heart and brings about his salvation. When Jesus first came into the world, his full identity was disguised but at his second coming, every eye shall see his majesty and glory.
Following the service, there was a wonderful time of fellowship over a lavish meal. We were asked by the deacon for prayer that support might be provided to enable the church building to be purchased (www.pilgrimtabernacle.co.uk).
David & Ann Winch

Ann lives in Cambridgeshire.
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