
‘What Mincaye and his tribesmen meant for evil, God used for good’ Mincaye Enquedi: 1930–2020

‘What Mincaye and his tribesmen meant for evil, God used for good’ Mincaye Enquedi: 1930–2020
Mincaye Enquedi with Steve Saint
Donald Morrison
Donald Morrison Missionary with the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing).
14 May, 2020 4 min read

Mincaye Enquedi (90) passed away peacefully at home in the tiny village of Tzapino on 28 April 2020. Very few people will know the name, and fewer still will mourn his passing. While he was largely unknown on earth, he is now, by God’s grace, well known in heaven.

Mincaye, meaning wasp, was born into a violent ‘stone age’ Huaorani tribe, called the Aucas or ‘savages’, in the Amazon Rainforest of eastern Ecuador, South America, around 1930. Historically, every encounter with this remote tribe had ended in death. From the 16th century conquerors to the 17th century Jesuits to the 19th century gold and rubber hunters, all outsiders had been killed. These ‘naked savages’ were the most dangerous tribe known to man.
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