Building bridges

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 October, 2011 1 min read

Building bridges

A think-tank has offered a £60,000 prize to someone from around the world who has made an ‘exceptional contribution’ to building bridges between people of different faiths.
   Launched by UK-based foundation Coexist, the prize is for the ‘unsung hero’ and aims to celebrate the positive social role religion plays for so many people in the world.
   James Kidner, director of Coexist and former deputy private secretary to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, said, ‘Religion is blamed for so much of the conflict and extremism around us. We now have a unique opportunity to remember and honour the billions of people around the world who are fuelled by their faith to build bridges, not burn them.
   ‘The Coexist prize will shine a light on those who are working to create communities in which we can all flourish, without fear or prejudice.
   ‘In this way, we hope to be inspired by the many practical ways in which religion benefits not only individuals and their communities, but society’.
   The prize is open to all faiths and will accept nominations from the public or nominating partners. There are also two runners-up awards, worth £6,000. Winners will be announced at a special ceremony on 20 March 2012 at New York University.

ET staff writer
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