Burden of guilt removed

Burden of guilt removed
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
22 November, 2018 2 min read

I was born in Sticker, near St Austell in Cornwall, and my earliest memories are of attending the local Methodist chapel and Sunday school. When I was 15, I saw a film on the crucifixion at the cinema and was challenged by an evangelist afterwards.

Then, when I was 17, I left school and got a job in local government. At this point I began to pray, and considered I was a Christian because of my religious observances and reasonably upright life. But I realise now that I was mistaken.

About two years later, I was invited to a mission meeting at Nanpean where I heard someone speak about how they had been converted and come to personal faith in Christ. I also heard gospel preaching, that we were all sinners and needed God’s salvation, and was challenged by this.

I went regularly to these meetings, which were later held at Fraddon. People were being converted to Christ through these meetings. I thought I already was a Christian and didn’t need converting. But through much preaching I was caused to consider my real standing with God. This went on from November through to February. Another young man was saved on first hearing the gospel, and that challenged me deeply.

During one of those meetings I clearly saw my need of God’s pardon as a sinner. I knelt in the aisle at an altar call, called out to God, and was saved. Immediately, I felt my burden of guilt and sin was removed and replaced by the peace of God. Then I truly prayed!

I told my family and workmates about what had happened to me. I also met with Christian friends. I even spoke in public about it. For the reserved young man I was, that was amazing! God changed me from living for myself to living for Christ. God’s Word, the Bible, and prayer became alive.

This event happened over 54 years ago, but to this day I have proved the faithfulness of God through prayer and his Word. He has been with me, leading me through the many ups and downs of my life ever since.

                Geoff Kendall

ET staff writer
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