Christianity and Parliament

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 May, 2011 1 min read

Christianity and Parliament

On 29 March, over 120 invited guests gathered in Portcullis House, Westminster, to celebrate the publication of a new Day One travel guide, entitled Travel through the Houses of Parliament — cradle of democracy.
   The special meeting was hosted by Gary Streeter MP, Chairman of the Parliamentary Christian Fellowship. Mr Streeter spoke highly of this new publication, which highlights Christian influence within the Houses of Parliament during the past centuries.
   Rev. Brian Edwards, conference speaker, author and editor of this series, introduced the book’s author, Andrew Atherstone, who is tutor in history and doctrine and Latimer Research Fellow, at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. Dr Atherstone is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and has already contributed to the Travel series by writing The martyrs of Mary Tudor and Travel through Oxford.
   Dr Atherstone gave a 25-minute power-point presentation that gripped the attention of all present, including Members of the Commons and Lords. He spoke of the important contribution Christianity has made over many centuries within Parliament. From the founding of Westminster Abbey in the 960s, through to the present time, a Christian testimony has had a significant impact upon our national life.
   It was encouraging to have representatives from all major political parties, including seven parliamentary guides, who each received a complimentary copy of the book.

ET staff writer
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