Come and Behold Him: Christmas Through Different Eyes

Come and Behold Him: Christmas Through Different Eyes
Martin Wells Martin served as an elder at Welcome Hall Evangelical Church, Bromsgrove.
21 November, 2019 1 min read

I found this little book both refreshing and stimulating. In such a short compass, we see the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ through the eyes of fourteen characters in the Bible.

These are helpfully grouped in time sequence, beginning with Old Testament prophecies in Micah, Isaiah, Job and Malachi, and continuing with the New Testament witnesses of Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, the wise men, Herod, Anna and Simeon. The book concludes fittingly with the reflections of Paul, the writer to the Hebrews, and John.

The style of writing is contemporary, without verging on irreverence, and comes to life with apt quotations and illustrations both new and old. This little work could safely be put into the hands of unbelievers, who will not be put off by the very occasional lapse into technical phrases and words such as ‘pax Romana,’ ‘lingua franca’ and ‘incarnate’.

Christian readers will find the book will help to blow away the cobwebs which entangle modern day Christmas celebrations. The writer has a healthy reverence for the infallible Word of God, and this comes through clearly both in the main text and the very suitable headings which signpost our journey through salvation history.

This book can be warmly recommended and would make a suitable Christmas present for young adults as well as more senior readers.

Martin Wells


Martin served as an elder at Welcome Hall Evangelical Church, Bromsgrove.
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