Confronting secularism

Peter Murcott
01 November, 2012 1 min read

Confronting secularism

Penn Free Methodist Church’s annual conference, which began in 2010, is becoming an established event. This was reflected by the noticeable increase in attendance at the High Wycombe-based church, on 15 September this year.
   Continuing with the previous themes of ‘Britain’s only hope’, the speakers addressed confronting secularism from the truths of God’s Word.
   Peter Murcott began the opening address with a quotation from the 1855 Primitive Methodist juvenile magazine on the supreme authority of Scripture. Nothing moved Paul from proclaiming the gospel (Acts 20:24), and yet regrettably too many Christians fight their cause on cultural rather than biblical grounds.
   Pastor Peter Simpson of Penn Free Methodist Church focussed upon the secularist attack on marriage and morality. In a wide ranging and well researched address, he showed how many were influenced by political correctness rather than Genesis 3:24.
   The effect of the present culture upon Christian worship is a matter for much concern. This was the theme of Dr E. S. Williams’ address. He drew attention to the errors of artistic imagery in worship and introducing ‘rap music’, an art form grounded in rebellion.
   The closing address by Pastor David Carson tackled long-standing evolutionary assumptions. Pastor Carson is an experienced open-air preacher who regularly confronts his hearers with the truth of God’s creation.
   CDs from Penn Free Methodist Church (£4:50, incl. postage), c/o Chapel Cottage, Church Road, Penn, HP10 8NU.
Peter Murcott

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