Church news

Conrad Mbewe addresses ‘holiness and the church’ event in Aberdeen

Conrad Mbewe addresses ‘holiness and the church’ event in Aberdeen
Conrad Mbewe, Parrēsia conference
Jehian Tiley
08 August, 2023 1 min read

Following on from last year’s conference in Glasgow, it was a joyous venture for Grace Baptist Church Aberdeen to host this year’s Parrēsia conference.

The focus was ‘Holiness and the church’, and a hunger for God’s Word was palpable among those present.

Speakers at the conference included John-William Noble, Tim Conway, Conrad Mbewe, and Tobias Riemenschneider.

Despite differences in cultural and ministerial background, the focus of all the speakers was the same: Christ and the holiness of his bride, the church.

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