Eastbourne centenary

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 March, 2007 1 min read

On 27-28 January Eastbourne Evangelical Free Church celebrated its 100th and its pastor’s 24th anniversaries. Many friends and previous members of the church gathered from Sussex and beyond. The atmosphere was one of gratitude to God for his mercy and keeping grace.

The pastor, Timothy Burden, outlined the history of the church. He reflected on the spiritual climate of Old Town Eastbourne at the time of the church’s move to Victoria Drive in 1907 – how Old Town was a hive of mission activity, and how the leaders were concerned that the church preserve unity in the Spirit and continue to know the Lord’s blessing. A small exhibition of the church’s later history was on display.

The ministry of Maurice Roberts over the weekend was marked by powerful, calm clarity. His text on the Saturday was 1 Corinthians 1:30. After outlining the things Christ has done for us objectively, he dealt at length with what Christ is made to us subjectively – from the time our souls are enlightened to when our redeemed bodies will radiate with glory.

His text for the Lord’s Day morning was 1 Peter 1:24-25, following these three themes: our condition before we were saved; the cost of our salvation; and the care God takes over the saved. In the evening we heard a most helpful exposition of Psalm 50:21-22 – a challenge to a godless world that thinks God’s silence is complacence over their sins.

A centenary calendar has been produced. Tapes or CDs of the weekend’s ministry are available: contact S. Fermor 01323 721150 or T. Burden 01323 645094.

ET staff writer
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