FCC assembly

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 July, 2012 1 min read

FCC assembly

Passing legislation to allow same-sex marriage would create great persecution against Christians, Rev. James Gracie has warned.
   In his moderatorial address to the General Assembly of Free Church of Scotland (Continuing), which met in Edinburgh, Mr Gracie cautioned the Scottish government that bringing in such legislation would be the means of introducing persecution against the Lord’s people.
   He told attendees at the Liberton Kirk: ‘The small but belligerent homosexual lobby will not be satisfied until all opposition to its way of life is snuffed out. We do not imply that this is what is intended by the Scottish Parliament in considering these proposals, but we fear that this will almost certainly be the unwelcome outcome.
   ‘We would therefore plead with the parliamentarians of our day not to succumb to the idea that the introduction of this legislation is all about equality.
   ‘In reality, equality has, in our humble opinion, got very little to do with it’. He added that he has several times recently been reported to the police for alleged homophobic comments, but as these were untrue allegations, no charges had been brought.
   However, he was not going to miss the opportunity to use his Moderator’s opening address as ‘a unique opportunity for our denomination to speak to the nation’ on this matter, calling on those present to ‘contend, and lift up our voices, and even let the hills echo with our cries’.

ET staff writer
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