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Germany: Plans for gender self-identification have been stopped

Germany: Plans for gender self-identification have been stopped
Photo: Maheshkumar Painam / Unsplash
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
23 August, 2023 1 min read

Proposals that would have made it much easier for transgender people in Germany to change ‘legal sex’ have come to a halt.

The Federal government stopped the progress of its Self-Determination Bill over concerns that criminals could exploit the legislation to evade prosecution.

Under the plans, law enforcement agencies could find it difficult to search records using a ‘pre-transition’ name, raising fears that criminals could go into hiding by changing their gender identity.

The draft law would have removed the current requirements of two doctors’ reports and a court order in order for someone to change their name and ‘gender entry’ with the registry office.

ET staff writer
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