Horror in Angola

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 October, 2008 1 min read

Horror in Angola

Muslim extremists recently attacked the Christian community in the town of Andulo. In a horrific incident, the school-age daughter of a deacon at one of the churches was decapitated.

Forty believers were assaulted or tortured, and one of them needed 20 stitches in his head. The mob burned three church buildings. They also went to believers’ houses to intimidate them and damaged or destroyed items of property. Stones were thrown at the headquarters of a local Christian project, causing some damage.

Commenting to Barnabas Fund, an Angolan Christian leader said that the local police were unable to stop the attack and fled the scene; and the government seems reluctant to take action against Muslims.

The gospel is advancing strongly in Andulo. Twenty pastors supported by Barnabas Fund are active in evangelism among the people. The Christian project has a bookshop, also assisted by Barnabas Fund, which is making a great impact in the community. It has opened a small chemist’s shop for basic health care.

The work of the project is appreciated by the Angolan government. The attack is believed to be a reaction against its success.

ET staff writer
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