Crunch points

How can I discern which preachers to watch on YouTube?

How can I discern which preachers to watch on YouTube?
Jeremy Walker
Jeremy Walker Jeremy is the pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley.
01 August, 2022 3 min read

We all value biblical advice from our elders, the first ones to whom we turn for counsel. Jeremy Walker outlines the kind of answer he might give to a question received at the chapel door.

‘I found a really engaging preacher on YouTube but some things don’t sound quite right. How can I discern what to watch?’

YouTube – what a mixed bag! Speaking with Christians around the world, so many of them have been blessed by ministry they first found online. Some of them trace their conversion, under God, to a particular sermon or preacher they watched remotely. Many of them came to a deeper understanding of the gospel of divine grace through the same medium.

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