Impact weekend

Anastasia Liasi
01 September, 2012 1 min read

Youth Feature

Impact weekend

On the weekend of 4-6 July, teenagers from Central Baptist Church (CBC), Walthamstow, and Thornton Heath Evangelical Church (THEC), met together for a weekend of fun, fellowship and faith-building.
   It was held at CBC’s premises and organised by THEC Impact leaders, under the leadership of Robert Jeffrey, who in August left THEC to take up ministry as the new pastor of CBC.
   Tim Whitton of the Open-Air Mission presented a series of gospel-centred Bible talks, and there were various activities — planned ones, such as Laser Quest and crafts, to unplanned ones, such as a visit to the Science Museum and sleeping-bag wacky races.
    To me, the Impact weekend was a real encouragement. I found the talks on how we should be presenting ourselves as Christians helpful, and liked the way Tim used the analogy of a Facebook profile to make clear that what we let others see and know about us illustrates how people will interpret Christians as a whole based on how we as individuals act.
   We always have to be alert in every environment and situation, because we are role models and should be setting a good example of what it means to be a Christian. Also, we can hide things from others on our Facebook profiles, but we can’t hide anything from God.
   The activities were brilliant, especially the treasure hunt in the rain around London’s West End, and working as teams with the young people at Walthamstow.
   It was refreshing to meet other people of our age who share the same values and vision, without the awkwardness we can sometimes feel of being the only Christian in a group of friends.
Anastasia Liasi

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