
India: Celebrations held for completed Bible translations in Thadou and Simte languages

India: Celebrations held for completed Bible translations in Thadou and Simte languages
Source: TBS
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
04 May, 2023 1 min read

Two special thanksgiving services have been held in Manipur, northeast India, to celebrate the publication of the full Bible in the Thadou and Simte languages.

The Thadou are the largest tribe in Manipur, numbering about 300,000.

Similarly, the Simte tribe, also in Manipur, welcomed a revised Bible translation in their tongue after it was noted that the translation they had received in 1992 needed whole areas of revision.

The Trinitarian Bible Society (TBS), which undertook the works of translation, said the services marked ‘notable milestones for projects by the TBS’. These are only two of eight current TBS translation projects in Manipur, some of which are also close to completion.

ET staff writer
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