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Israel: Ancient Hebrew tablet could support the Bible’s authenticity

Israel: Ancient Hebrew tablet could support the Bible’s authenticity
Hebrew Lead Tablet CREDIT:
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
22 April, 2022 1 min read

An ancient tablet of lead has been discovered in Israel and is believed to be inscribed with the Hebrew word for God, YHW.

Provisionally, it has been dated between 1200 and 1400 BC. If that is accurate, it could be one of the oldest references to God outside of the Bible.

It may also prove the Israelites were literate when they entered the Holy Land, and able to document biblical events as they happened.

If true, it would undermine liberal critics who say the Hebrew Scriptures were written much later.

However, the findings have not yet been peer reviewed. They are expected to be published academically later this year.

ET staff writer
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