
It Will Cost You Everything: What it takes to follow Jesus

It Will Cost You Everything: What it takes to follow Jesus
Tim Wills
Tim Wills Pastor at Grace Church Wellington, Shropshire.
27 June, 2022 2 min read

Author: Steven J. Lawson
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
128 pages
Purchase from: Christian Focus (£9.99)

Pick up a book from Steven Lawson and you feel at ease, comfortable in the knowledge that it will offer a solid treatment of doctrine with a serious attempt at application. It seems that the title of this volume is intended to both shock and not shock, and in that sense it is clever: every believer knows that ultimately Christ is all, yet rarely does the maths.

However this book ultimately fails to deliver on the promise of its title – which surprised this reviewer, given the theological Hall of Fame offering their endorsement on the back.

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