John Rogers – sealed with blood: The story of the first Protestant martyr of Mary Tudor’s reign

John Rogers – sealed with blood: The story of the first Protestant martyr of Mary Tudor’s reign
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 January, 1970 1 min read

Author: Tim Shenton
Publisher: Day One
144 pages
Purchase from: Amazon (£7.00)

The aim of this book is to focus our attention on the phenomenon of martyrdom. Tim Shenton does this by describing in detail the path that led John Rogers to his death by burning at the stake in London in 1555 – the first Protestant martyr of Mary Tudor’s reign.

Most people know of the martyrdom of Latimer, Ridley and Cranmer, but few have heard of John Rogers – a contemporary of William Tyndale and an early pioneer of Bible translation (he published the ‘Matthew’s Bible’ in 1537).

The book is well structured, moving from basic definitions to practical issues on spiritual growth. Although aimed at young people, it would help anyone starting out as a new Christian. The questions posed are supported by helpful Bible references.

The section on worship focuses attention on the sermon and the Word of God. Youngsters are encouraged to take notes and a review section prompts them to reflect on what they have heard, sung and prayed about.

Sermon notes to help young Christians focus on the preaching are mentioned as a useful device, while Bible references remind the reader that the sermon is not an academic exercise but a spiritual engagement with the Lord himself.

Used as a framework to guide young people though the various issues related to church life, and as a stimulus for informal discussions, this book should ensure that all the key issues are covered in a logical order. Anyone trying to encourage youngsters to take part in church services could profitably use this book.

ET staff writer
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