Church news

Lessons on church planting from African missionary shared at Loughborough conference

Lessons on church planting from African missionary shared at Loughborough conference
Keith Underhill | Loughborough
Tony Flanders
11 January, 2024 2 min read

It was a delight to see members from each of the five churches of the Association of Confessional Baptist Churches (UK) gather at Christ Church, Loughborough, last September for our first Association Day.

The event aimed to foster fellowship between the churches, and it was a true blessing – over 100 people joined with one heart and mind.

The day commenced with ministry from our dear brother and former missionary to Kenya, Keith Underhill. He shared aspects of his work in light of Scriptural teaching.

We saw how the same principles of church planting in Kenya applied to us here in the UK. Herein lay the value of what Keith related to us.

We were challenged to see that church planting must strive to fulfil the Great Commission. This is done through the centrality of preaching as well as private ministry in homes.

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