Mission – Alternative advent calendar

Mission – Alternative advent calendar
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
23 November, 2018 2 min read

How can someone call on the one they have not believed in? How can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?

For over a year, 10 global Christian mission organisations have been working together under the #HowWillTheyHear campaign, which seeks to respond to Paul’s questions in Romans 10:14 by proclaiming Christ amongst refugee and migrant communities.

The second 10:14 prayer initiative began this October. It committed to God the mission work of reaching refugees with the light and hope of Jesus.

Thousands of Christians around the world committed to praying for 14 consecutive days that the Lord would raise up workers to proclaim the gospel and minister to the refugees in Europe and the Middle East.

Many refugees are from nations where Christ is not proclaimed. As they arrive in refugee camps, or are placed among communities throughout Europe, there are plenty of opportunities for local churches and Christians to serve their practical needs and share the good news of Jesus.

Steve Smith, UK Director of Serving in Mission, said, ‘The 10:14 prayer campaign allowed churches across Europe to unite behind the power of God and engage themselves in cross-cultural contemporary mission.

‘The daily prayers raised the awareness of opportunities for Christian outreach to refugee and migrant communities, and it is our prayer that ordinary church members here in the UK would feel encouraged to step out in faith and have gospel-centred conversations with refugees in their towns’.

More than 5,000 people followed the daily prayers on the #HowWillTheyHear on social media, and over 600 signed up to receive direct email updates each day.

Over 30 evangelical churches across the UK received prayer guides to use personally and in services or house-groups. Christian churches in Germany, Peru, South Africa and Portugal also joined in, as an expression of international prayer.

#HowWillTheyHear now employs three full-time staff, two of which have moved across from campaign partners United World Mission and Serving in Mission. The other partner organisations include Wycliffe Bible Translators, Operation Mobilisation, TEAM global missionaries, GEMission, DMG, ECMI, EMF and Biblica.

The campaign provides resources and information to equip churches and individuals for refugee ministry, in response to the migrant crisis. The website offers an overview of some of the 150 mission opportunities in Europe and the Middle East, and urges churches to get involved with local mission to refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in their communities.

The campaign aims to see local churches strengthened and encouraged with new members from the refugee community, and new churches appearing in nations where as yet the gospel has little witness.  For more information, visit the website howwilltheyhear.net, or email info@howwilltheyhear.net

ET staff writer
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