Mission – Sheffield Pregnancy Centre

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
20 September, 2018 1 min read

The Sheffield Pregnancy Advice Centre (PAC) is preparing to apply for the government approval, which is given by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).  If CQC approval is granted, the centre can advertise free ultrasound scans, and the whole operation can then move up ‘several notches’ on every front.

A reason to give thanks is that a lady called Paulina has made contact with the centre to help. Paulina is training as a diagnostic sonographer at a university and she is a committed Christian and committed to Reformed doctrine. She and another lady, Maria, are set to begin the application for the CQC.

Another reason to give thanks is that, in collaboration with a pregnancy centre in Texas, USA, a young lady chose to keep her baby near to Sheffield and the PAC will hold a baby shower for her in a few weeks’ time.

This lady now has a Bible and she is really interested in Christ and the gospel. Pray for this baby shower to be greatly blessed of the Lord. On Saturday 8 September, the centre hosted an open day between 1.00pm and 4.00pm for people to come and visit and to show support.

ET staff writer
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