The South African Baptist Union began missionary work in Namibia in the 1950s. They were followed by Southern Baptists, who caused much harm by their emphasis on baptismal regeneration. As a result many in their churches today have not repented of sin and are not born again.
A few of us in recent years have discovered the Reformed faith. This has been through reading Reformed literature — for example, the Puritans, J. C. Ryle, Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones and John Blanchard — and through the ministry of Reformed pastors from England.
Namibia’s political, religious and ethnic situation remains stable, so that Christians have freedom to propagate the faith. A slogan repeatedly announced over the national radio says, ‘Ours is the language of reconciliation’.
I cannot say how long this will continue, but at the moment Christians are free from intimidation or special persecution.
Hitherto, little evangelical truth has been proclaimed in our nation. However, we are able to preach anywhere and, in spite of considerable opposition, especially from some of the churches, many people gather to listen to God’s Word.

Church planting
The gospel of grace has only been preached in Namibia since 1995. Since 1997, encouraging things have been happening. I personally have witnessed the planting of 23 Reformed Baptist churches in Namibia in the last few years.
People throughout Namibia have been taking a keen interest in the Reformed faith, now preached in many churches as well as over the radio and in other ways. Many have been soundly converted to Christ.
Many pastors from the various denominations including the Pentecostals have been reading good literature and are being influenced by it.
There are growing opportunities to preach the gospel through literature and radio. Different pastors are invited to broadcast 10-minute devotions on mornings and evenings during the week, and to lead 30-minute services on Sunday morning and evening. The opportunities are both in English and in local indigenous languages.
Finally, we need more men and women to help with missionary work in Namibia. Church leaders need to be trained for the new churches. Some of the churches that have started are greatly lacking in resources