News – 300 years left

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 September, 2010 1 min read

300 years left

Former environment minister Michael Meacher has faced a storm of criticism after an interview published in theEcologist suggested that creation, not evolution, held answers to mankind’s problems.

In the article, Mr Meacher claimed that humanity had 200-300 years left on earth, thanks to a variety of factors such as climate change. He also suggested that the spirituality of humans was an important factor and that science and religion could co-exist.

Mr Meacher said, ‘The religious answer is that God created us in his own image. It does seem odd that we have a universe of vast size to produce us and it has taken an inordinately long time to reach this stage of life forms. It doesn’t mean it is impossible, but it does seem very odd unless you take the view that time is immaterial.

‘I don’t believe science has invalidated religion; and it can’t, because they are two utterly different paradigms of existence. Science has enormously increased the wonder of the religious message. It doesn’t force us to believe in it, but it is compatible with it’.

However, his comments were met with ridicule. One (anonymous) commentator on the article wrote: ‘Mr Meacher says: “I don’t believe science has invalidated religion; and it can’t, because they are two utterly different paradigms of existence”.

‘Yes, the first is evidence-based and the second consists of fairy stories. I rather think science has driven great holes through the religious point of view, leaving ever smaller gaps for the gods to fill’.

ET staff writer
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