News – April ET evangelistic pull-out

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 February, 2009 1 min read

April ET evangelistic pull-out

April 2009’s ET will bring a new evangelistic initiative. The centre four pages will be written specifically for the unconverted and designed as a pull-out to coincide with Easter.

Its articles will focus on the meaning and centrality of the cross and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, and it will not carry news items or advertisements.

Please note that the pull-out will not be mass-produced for separate orders, but will be part of the regular ET newspaper, in the same way that the Youth Supplement is. Readers can, however, order advance extra copies of April’s whole newspaper from the ET office (discount arrangements will be announced in the March ET).

Readers may also be interested to know that December 2008’s evangelistic issue was a sell-out. 100,000 copies of the newspaper were printed and quickly over-subscribed. Please order in good time next year!

We look to the Lord to bless and own his Word in both the December and April editions.

ET staff writer
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