News – Atheist camps

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 August, 2009 1 min read

Atheist camps

The Daily Telegraph reports that Richard Dawkins has helped set up an atheist summer camp where children will be taught rational scepticism and sing John Lennon’s Imagine alongside the more traditional activities of canoeing and swimming.

According to the Telegraph, Richard Dawkins, who stepped down from his post at Oxford University last year, has subsidised the five-day camp in Somerset. The camp is for children aged 8-17 and will rival traditional faith-based breaks run by the Scouts and church groups.

The children will be given lessons in rational scepticism, as well as sessions in moral philosophy and evolutionary biology. Prof. Dawkins said it was designed to ‘encourage children to think for themselves, sceptically and rationally’. All 24 places at the camp, which runs from 27-31 July, have been taken.

ET staff writer
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