News – Beach missions reach many

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 October, 2009 1 min read

Beach missions reach many

United Beach Missions have reported on a summer of evangelism across the UK, and into France and Belgium.

One middle-aged couple in LaPanne, Belgium, attended church after the first week of beach missions, and then after attending each open-air meeting the following week, testified they had accepted Jesus Christ into their hearts.

There were many instances where beach inspectors and other local authorities were supportive of the beach teams. This was a real answer to prayer.

There were also many deep conversations with people, who opened up to the teams. One team at Dawlish met a couple of young men who had been thinking seriously after the death of a family member, while gospel-hardened grandparents were still willing to let their three grandchildren attend the Bible club. Another team, at Bude, talked with a Swedish family at length, who then took Christian literature away with them.

Whitby, which also holds the annual Gothic festival, presented challenges to the UBM team. While one family came to each UBM event, others were not so forthcoming. A hardened atheist debated with the team at length and rubbished the gospel.

In Lyme Regis, a mother whose young daughter knew some Christian truths asked how one could know that Jesus was the Messiah, while two brothers in the armed forces – one due to go to Afghanistan soon – asked searching questions.

Prayer was requested for a middle-aged lady in Ballybunion, in Ireland, who finds it difficult to come back to God after her young relative died after a protracted illness.

The summer may be over, but many who heard the Word are still not saved. UBM requests prayer that the seed sown will not be snatched away by ‘the birds of the air’ or choked by ‘the cares of the world’ (Matthew 13).

ET staff writer
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