News – Bibles confiscated

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 January, 2010 0 min read

Bibles confiscated

Malaysian authorities are withholding 15,000 Bibles in the Bahasa Malaysia language, claiming they are prejudicial to public order. This is despite the confiscation being an infringement of Malaysian law.

According to the Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM), to confiscate and hold the Bibles is against the constitutional right that, under Article 11 of the Federal Constitution, gives every Malaysian the right to profess their faith, as well as practise it.

This action has deprived Christians in Sabah, Sarawak, and in Semenanjung, a large majority of whom use Bahasa Malaysia, the right to read the Bible in their own language.

Since the 1970s, Christians in Malaysia have received their education in Bahasa Malaysia. To deny Christians the right to read and study the Bible in their language is ridiculous and offensive, according to CFM.

ET staff writer
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