News – BNP seeks Christian support

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 June, 2009 1 min read

BNP seeks Christian support

Christian groups including British Messianic Jews are dismayed that the British National Party (BNP) appears to be trying a new tactic of supporting Israel in the run-up to European Elections.

The strategy seems to be that by supporting Israel the party will win sympathy from those who are also concerned about the rise of radical Islam.

Surprising many people, BNP party leader Nick Griffin came out in support of Israel during the recent Gaza conflict in an article posted on the BNP web site. One comment on the web site stated ‘any enemy of Islam is a friend of mine’.

There is concern that the BNP have seen an opportunity to gain credibility amongst conservative Christians, even claiming recently that Jesus would vote BNP! In February, the General Synod of the Church of England voted to ban its clergy from being members of the BNP.

It is reported that the BNP candidate for the upcoming East Midlands MEP elections, Rev. Robert West, recently preached in an evangelical church in the Midlands. Rev. West, who was suspended from the Conservative Party in 2006, reportedly addressed a larger than usual congregation augmented by BNP supporters.

ET staff writer
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