News – Christians marginalised

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 February, 2011 1 min read

Christians marginalised

The majority of UK Christians feel marginalised in British public life, research has revealed.

The survey, conducted by ComRes on behalf of the Premier Christian Media Group, found that believers of all denominations believed that marginalisation was increasing in many spheres.

According to the survey, 81 per cent of Christians believed marginalisation is increasing in the press and media, while 77 per cent said it was growing in the public realm. Two-thirds felt it was happening more and more in the workplace, while 59 per cent said it was on the rise in government.

The results of the survey also showed that more women than men believed that marginalisation of Christians was on the rise in society – with 85 per cent of women believing this was the case, compared with 79 per cent of men.

Peter Kerridge, chief executive of Premier, said, ‘The majority of Christians, young and old, feel marginalisation is on the increase. Despite the efforts of leading Christian voices, such as Lord Carey, speaking out against this, it seems the situation is getting worse.

‘2011 presents a great opportunity for Christians to speak out and tackle the creeping marginalisation occurring in British society’.

ET staff writer
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