News – Clean water

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 June, 2010 1 min read

Clean water

Thirty countries have pledged to bring clean water and safe sanitation to billions of people across the globe.

The High Level Meeting on Sanitation and Water took place late April in Washington DC, where policymakers and ministers set up a partnership to tackle the lack of clean, safe water provision in the world’s poorest countries.

Tearfund, as part of the End Water Poverty campaign, welcomed the move, but warned that although there was a commitment made by developing countries, there were still far too few specific targets from donors to increase resources to the poorest countries.

Paul Cook, advocacy director at Tearfund, said: ‘We believe that our biblical mandate as Christians is to speak up for justice with and for those who are poor and oppressed. For too long, water and sanitation have been neglected by both rich and poor governments’.

ET staff writer
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