News – Day One in Bible lands

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 September, 2009 1 min read

Day One in Bible lands

In an extension to its work and ministry, Day One Christian Ministries are sending parties out to explore Bible lands.

The venture started last September when 48 people went to Israel, and continued with 36 travelling there this May. Both tours were led by Paul Williams and Clive Anderson, who co-authored the Day One guide Travel through Israel – land of promise, faith and beauty.

The groups stayed in two hotels, the Olive Tree in Jerusalem – only a few minutes’ walk from the Garden Tomb – and the Ron Beach in Tiberius, located on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.

Each day was taken up with touring famous and not-so-famous sites, the exception being the Lord’s Day, which was reserved as a day of worship, rest and fellowship.

Day One has tried to ensure the tours are exhaustive without being exhausting. Many Christians promise themselves that one day they will go to Israel. Day One is helping to fulfil that dream.

Further tours have also been planned to – Israel, with Paul Williams and Paul Pease; Israel and Jordan, with John and Daphne Ross; Egypt, with Clive Anderson. It is also hoped that ‘Seven churches of Asia, Greece and Italy’ will be added to the list. More information from:

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