News – Defend the poor

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 January, 2011 1 min read

Defend the poor

Controversial US pastor and civil rights activist Rev. Jesse Jackson has told Premier Radio that the church must be the defender of the poor and the conscience of government.

Speaking in an interview with the Christian broadcaster, Jesse Jackson said, ‘The work of the church is to defend the poor and deliver the needy and to set the captives free, and that is what is so great about this movement.

‘I’m so delighted to be a part of the Christian Aid movement, an authentic way of preaching and delivering the gospel of good news’.

He said it was the challenge of the church and of Christians to vote for the right politicians and to lobby and protest when injustice was clearly being done.

Rev. Jackson added: ‘Christians have a right to protest and protest at the hungry not being fed, to protest policies that neglect the poor when the government puts more money in military budget and research finding exotic ways to kill, and more protection for the wealthy than those in public education and public housing’.

ET staff writer
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