News – Ethiopian atrocity

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 June, 2008 1 min read

Ethiopian atrocity

Islamic radicals attacked two churches in the village of Nensebo Chebi in the Oromia region of Ethiopia, in April, injuring 17 Christians and killing one, says Barnabas Fund.
Muslims entered the churches during Sunday worship and locked the doors behind them. They shouted ‘God is great’ and started indiscriminately attacking men, women and children in the congregation with machetes.One 45-year-old man, Tula Mosesa, father of four children, was beheaded. Several people had hands or arms severed by the attackers’ machetes. A five-year-old boy, Beke Abera, had his arm cut to the bone.

Islamic extremist groups have become increasingly active in Ethiopia in recent years. Many mosques and Muslim schools are being built, even in remote villages. Radical Muslim groups from Somalia and Afghanistan are spreading anti-Christian teaching and discouraging Muslims from having any contact with Christians.

ET staff writer
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