News – LTS open day

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 April, 2008 1 min read

LTS open day

Around 35 visitors attended London Theological Seminary’s Open Day in March. Many of these were men considering full-time pastoral ministry. After a welcome from the Principal, Philip Eveson, they heard short presentations from lecturers in the core subjects taught at LTS, as well as an overview from Robert Strivens, Principal-Designate, of the approach that LTS takes to ministerial training.

There is an urgent need for pastors and preachers of the gospel in the United Kingdom. An increasing number of churches are seeking a pastor. There are also large parts of the country – in cities, towns and rural areas – where there is little or no genuine gospel witness.

It is consequently encouraging to see a number of young men who are ready to commit themselves full time to the ministry of the Word and who recognise the importance of a thorough training for that work.

ET staff writer
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