News – Mass extinction

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 February, 2011 1 min read

Mass extinction

A giant cache of nearly 20,000 fossils has been unearthed in China, showing what scientists are calling a ‘mass extinction’ on Earth.

The reptiles, shellfish and a host of other prehistoric creatures found in Luoping, south west China, purportedly show how these marine fossils survived a massive destructive force caused by volcanic eruptions and global warming.

The MSNBC reports, of course, have not looked towards Genesis for answers; nor have the scientists who found a 30,000-year-old finger fossil in Siberia.

The fossil was found in a cave along with a tooth and some tools, which, according to the anthropologists, were from ancient humans, less like us and more like ‘Homo erectus’ .

However, the MSNBC report also said, ‘Bizarrely, the DNA from these extinct Siberians seems unusually similar to that of Pacific Islanders from tropical Melanesia’.

An ancient species of mankind that is nothing like us, but which bears remarkable DNA similarities to modern Pacific Islanders? Evidence for created man stares scientists in the face and they can’t bring themselves to acknowledge it.

ET staff writer
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