News – Mighty men

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
31 May, 2010 1 min read

Mighty men

South Africa hosted a conference for a crowd of nearly 450,000 in April, one of the largest men’s gatherings the country has ever seen.

Called ‘Mighty Men 2010’, conference delegates heard passionate messages from evangelist Angus Buchan, who spoke on God’s power to transform lives.

Mr Buchan, the founder of Shalom Ministries, said, ‘Jesus took twelve men and changed the world. I see hundreds of thousands of men in this place. We need to seize the moment. The future of South Africa, indeed the world, lies in the believer, in your hands and my hands. God is asking you “What are you going to do about it?”’

He called on the delegates to share the love of God in their homes, communities and places of work, bringing reconciliation wherever they go (

ET staff writer
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